飛騨の酸っぱい赤かぶを筆頭に、キュウリやナス、しそ・茗荷。ゴマなどが入った醤油漬け。一般的には「飯どろぼう」という商品が代表的ですが、こちらも同等のものになります。ただし、この「山むらさき」は無添加!!素朴で食べ飽きない味が魅力です。 商品説明動画 https://youtu.be/Jjh49s3MKE0
内容量:150g 賞味期限:60日 保存方法:高温多湿を避け、冷暗所にて保存。開封後は要冷蔵。
[ additive-free ] [exportable ] A red turnip specially made in Gifu prefecture is pickled in the same way as it was several hundred years ago. Slightly strong salt and acidity of lactic acid fermentation. Besides, sesame, perilla leaves, radish, cucumbers, etc. are included together and go well with rice. Long-lasting after opening. Ingredients: red turnip, radish, turnip leaves, cucumbers, eggplant, red perilla, myoga, ginger, sesame, pepper, pickled ingredients [salt, soy sauce, brewed vinegar] (including some soybeans and wheat), : 150g, Shelf life: 60 days, Storage method: Store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Refrigerated after opening.